Photo circa 2012 © Nicolaev Photography

Photo circa 2012 © Nicolaev Photography

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College Portfolio: Illustration & Design, Sketches

Vaughn Reynolds

Fantasy illustration has sparked the imagination of mankind for generations, bringing color, life and emotion to the world of written and oral stories. I grew up in a childhood rich with imaginative outlets and enjoyed many years of epic Dungeons and Dragons adventures, comic book collecting and real world enactments of these joyous times. That deep emotional response I receive when I see an amazing fantasy illustration is what my goal is as an artist. I want people to see my work and feel an emotional response, whether it is positive or negative.

When working on projects I lean towards things that push the limits of archetypes and avoid falling into stereotypes. Different materials convey different types of emotions, and I use that for each project. Oil paintings portray a personal and deeply spiritual response in the viewer, while watercolor is used for looseness and a kind of unfastened thought that slips between the cracks of the mind.

Currently I’m teaching at the FAT Village Center for the Arts. I am also curating work for personally organized gallery exhibits and those of peers. These projects are augmented by my years in the Air Force and living in Europe. These two major chapters of my life have broadened my view of culture and sociological responses to art. I plan to continue pushing the local art scene by supporting the expansion of art to increase commerce while also traveling abroad and experiences the amazing diversity of art in the world.


Academy of Art + Design, FAT Village Center for the Arts, Into the Woods, Multiversal Group Show, New River Fine Art, Nymian Beastlands, Paradigm Concepts, Robert Fontaine Gallery